Surveillance is a key dimension of the modern world, and in most countries people are more than aware of its influence.
In public places, video cameras are a familiar presence.
"David Lyon"
- Srvice name : Polifemo
- Sector : Innovation & Research
- Technology : Machine Learning
The Project
Polifemo was born with the aim of monitoring and analyzing the flow of people crossing a certain area. It is therefore possible to monitor the entrances and exits at a particular venue, and obtain information about the progress of visits in a day and, based on this information, optimize work shifts or determine the effectiveness of certain promotional campaigns.
The project was conceived during the first lockdown phase, due to the spread of the Covid19 pandemic, as a support to the monitoring of crowded areas. In particular, during the summer season, it was requested as a tool to monitor crowding at seaside resorts. The goal was to control the flow of people to the access points to the beaches.
Harness the power of machine learning technology to detect and classify objects and their position within each frame of a video.
The data extracted with Machine Learning are processed by an Algorithm to follow the movement of people within the scene captured by the camera, and establish their position and motion.
The information obtained from Polifemo - in real time - can be consulted in the user Dashboard in the form of graphs / numerical values and time maps.
Polifemo collects data relating only to the position of people, discarding the images immediately after having analyzed them.
Project Presentation.
An eros argumentum vel, elit diceret duo eu, quo et aliquid ornatus delicatissimi. Cu nam tale ferri utroque, eu habemus albucius mel, cu vidit possit ornatus eum. Eu ius postulant salutatus definitionem, explicari. Graeci viderer qui ut, at habeo facer solet usu. Pri choro pertinax indoctum ne, ad partiendo persecuti forensibus est.
The power of Machine Learning at your service.
Harness the power of machine learning technology to detect and classify objects and their position within each frame of a video. The data extracted with machine learning is processed by an algorithm to follow the movement of people within the scene captured by the camera, and establish their position and motion. The information obtained from Polifemo can be consulted using simple and intuitive Dashboards. Polifemo collects data relating only to the position of people, discarding the images immediately after having analyzed them.